Monday, February 2, 2015

trying to get back to normal around here...

its been a surreal weekend...
I didn't get to spend time in my playroom like I wanted...
but I was in there on Friday before all the crazy happened...

I dug another frame out and started in on it...

and I had this laid out to use...
one of my favorite collages...

and I ended up with this...
its small, just a 4x6...
I have 2 more frames just like this that I would like to do this week...

and this might be a future project...
its large...

we have lightly falling snow right now with just a slight dusting over night...
the wind has just howled all night long...
it came mostly in rain, so we missed the 4-9 inches...
and I'd bet those people who were fighting over toilet paper on Friday night feel a bit foolish now...
they said it was a zoo in there...
when we went early Saturday morning, there was hardly anyone there...
and the shelves were stocked again...
I didn't have to fight for anything...
the super bowl was on here last night...
and there was lots of yelling from the living room...
for me, the only good that comes from all of that are...
the food...
and the commercials...

I am home alone all week until Friday...
I wonder if I can handle all this peace and quiet?
well, I spoke too soon...
three sets of galloping feet just went by me...

have a great day!


  1. and I am getting all the snow, which did not drop on you!!!!! lol...

    and since I have been up since 4:40am, I am now going back to bed!

    ahhhhh the decadent life of those who do not work. -giggggles-


  2. OH My Tessa, you don't work at all! Neither do I,
    Tete this is a pretty project, and I'm thinking that if you sent it south, it would hang prettily on my wall abve my desk.

  3. Hi there, Love your framed pieces-so charming! We had light snow here yesterday and I was out when it was still in the 30's this morning and walked Hunter when it was 40; still pretty cold. Enjoy your week my friend.

  4. It's me to find out what music widgit you use. I used to have one on my blog but then blogger stopped allowing it. I've seen others with music lately and would love to get some back on mine.

  5. Thinking of you, Tete! Enjoy your week! We had snow showers here earlier today. xo

  6. Tete, We did not get as much snow either, and I for one am so thankful. I shoveled the drive three times. Just so I had some exercise and keep it from building up. I now have gorilla arms. LOL.. My daughter called and asked me not to shovel...I told if it got heavy or deep I would not do it. I really like your craft. Please show us the others when you are done. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  7. Hi Tete, lovely frame projects you created. Glad you didn't get all the snow predicted. My bil called to say they had 16 inches in Michigan our old homestead. Here in Texas we only got the cold but warming back to the 70's by the weekend. (we hope)
    Sending hugs for a happy month of February.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!