Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy first day of Spring!

we have bloomers for the very first day of the season!

Craig and I raked 2 of the flower beds yesterday and found some green...

and some yellow...

its was a cloudy day yesterday and there was a nip to the air...

got the same nip this morning, but it doesn't seem as bad with the sun shining...

future project, when we can turn the water on outside again...

tons of things coming up here...




even the red maple is budding...

just a taste of things to come...
and its so exciting after the winter blahs...

we did our shopping last night...
so that's done for the week...
laundry and food prep today...
cut the watermelon already...
strawberries, cabbage and lettuce to go...
need to clean out the fridge...
let it go last week and you can sure tell this week...
so- scoot and have a fun day...

got lots to do...
oh, yeah...
feeling much better today!


  1. so glad you are feeling better!!

    enjoy your sprouting. here we sill have snow cover. oh well... :-)

  2. definitely signs of beauty to come.

  3. Tete, It is so good to see the earth waking up. Seeing the buds on the trees and flower pushing up. I love it so much. Today was to be warm, but the wind is not letting it feel like the 50's, suppose to be 60 by 3:00. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Glad you are feeling better, Tete. You are definitely ahead of us in the growth area! Nothing green here yet. xo Diana

  5. So glad you are feeling better Tete!
    I'm jealous that Spring has sprung for you, we still have 3 feet of snow to melt!

  6. Ah...Spring! Daffodils are always a sure sign that Spring will stay. Thanks for your wonderful photos. Take care and know you are always in my prayers.

  7. Nice to see green Tete! It's bad up north here today.....SNOW! When is this going to end?????

  8. Beautiful spring pics, Tete! I don't have any crocus blooming but the snowdrops are blooming and there are lots of green shoots coming up in the gardens. We've had some warm days, but today it's hovering around 32 and raining. A good day to stay inside with a little doggie curled up on my lap! :)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!