Tuesday, March 24, 2015

more of the Sunday drive...

we had rain around noon this morning...

didn't see the sun after that, either...

barns and lean-tos come in all sizes, shapes and colors here...

I am not sure why this section was left standing...
but could be just too hard to pull out...

that's just a stack of left overs...
not a mock lunar lander or anything like that...

we are not all just fields and silos here...

we have a major deer and coyote population going on, too...
along with squirrels, bunnies and a bunch of birds...

doing laundry and dishes...
chasing after babies who get into things...
seems to be my days right now...

not too exciting, but what is?

Craig got netflix...
do you have it???

I don't know why we didn't bother with it before...
I have to do a post this week on what I found on there...
its an addiction...
3 seasons worth...
have a great day...


  1. GREAT pictures here, Tete.
    I am on my daughter's Netflix plan. You should try to watch Call The Midwife. It is an excellent show that will make you laugh and cry by turn. It is English and set in the 40s/50s.
    xo Diana

  2. had Netflix, years ago... didn't watch the films.... -sigh- haven't gotten it again... take films, etc., out of library.... at least, they are free, and if I don't watch them, I don't feel too bad. -grin-

    but of course, our library system doesn't have the selection, which Netflix has!!!!!!!!

    I toy with it... so far, haven't done it... hope you really, really enjoy it!!!!!!

  3. Gorgeous photos Tete!!! Glad you were able to get out on one of your little road trips! We have about 4" of snow on the ground up here....UGH!!!!! Hopefully it will all melt tomorrow, since we're supposed to get 60 degree weather with some rain. Ed and I are leaving for the Outer Banks, NC on Thursday and I don't think the weather is supposed to be that great. Oh well, I guess we should be lucky to be able to take a vacation!

  4. Tete, Don't you sometimes wish you had some of those old boards to make things with? We are getting a lot of coyotes here also. See the dead along U.S. 31 all the time. Hope we get us some nicer weather , oxox, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!