Monday, March 30, 2015

oh, another Monday

got the flare down to a dull roar...

got a 3:00 doctor's appointment...

DH is coming home early to take me...

he took me for a ride on Saturday and other than that...

I was in bed...

but, now you know what happens when the farmers plant bird seed...
geese everywhere...

tried to get into the clinic yesterday before noon...

got there at 9 the first time and they were already piled up...

so we went and grabbed some breakfast...
went back, and there was more people there than the first time...
so we headed for Walmart and got that out of the way...
then we went back...
and there was even more people waiting to get in...
there was no way they would get to us before lunch...
so I told Steve I wasn't THAT bad, just go home...
now the blood sugar was high again this morning...
so I called...

the fibro flare is from too much coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose...
ticking off the muscles in my neck and back...
causing spasms...
took a muscle relaxer on Saturday and that helped a bunch...
but all I do is sleep on them...
so after going on the ride a little loopy, I came home and went to bed...

but there is good news this week...
spring has come back...
65 today...
its been cold, damp and windy for too long...
hoping to get the windows open sometime and blow the germs out of here...


  1. Great pictures, Tete. I hope the dr appt goes okay today and they give you something to smooth everything out. Glad your flare is not as bad. xo Diana

  2. Great pictures, Tete. I hope the dr appt goes okay today and they give you something to smooth everything out. Glad your flare is not as bad. xo Diana

  3. Tete, I hate to hear you aren't feeling much better. You have to get well...true springtime is so want to play outside, don't you?:):) Your camera takes great pictures. Blessings to you, prayers too, xoxo,Susie

  4. Couldn't comment here before! -sigh-

    And hope this one goes through.

    Am I the only one, who is having "No Service" notices come up?

    Anyway, glad you are somewhat better. And had doc appoint. But you have got to get to clinic.


  5. Hi Tete, glad you are a little better and hope your appt. goes well.
    Great pics!!
    Hugs, CM


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!