Thursday, March 12, 2015

the official high was 68!

we had some awful fog through the night last night...
and a bit cool in the morning...

but I faced the cold and fed the birds as the sun was coming up...
I know...
I am so brave...

I was going pretty good...
getting things done so early in the morning...
but just lugging the bird seed out here and doing this done me in...
for most of the day...

our new feeder we picked up last weekend...
for the bigger birds...

Craig left for work so sick yesterday morning...
I figured he would be home before noon...

but he stuck it out and hung in there until 7 last night...
he said he started feeling better in the afternoon...

so the cats and I hung out in here...
surfing the web...
watching property brothers...
they had a marathon going on...

until the cable started tiling...
and I gave it up...

I finally took some cold medicine and went to bed...
got up with a sinus head ache again...
got some ibuprofen down at supper time...
and then I felt so much better again...

I did get a walk in and swept the deck off in a tank top...
without goosebumps...
it was a great spring day...
I have waited so long for this...
and I know you have, too...
oh, and did you see? 
the snow is all gone...
except for the big piles they made around town with the plow...
and that's a good thing!


  1. Great to hear you are having tank top weather!! We are in the 70's here and loving it. Great bird feeder pics.
    Well wishes to you and Craig.
    Hugs, CM

  2. those sun-on-yard photos are lovely!!!!!!

    snow gone hu? good for you!

    not good if we got that warm, that fast. we have sooooooo much snow, to melt and go somewhere.

    oh and the ice fell and broke daughter/son in law's patio door. and it will take a while, for repair guy to get there. yish... so he put plywood up and screwed it, on the inside. he says it's probably more secure than a door. lol. just not too pretty. ,-)

  3. Tete, Our morning yesterday was so wonderful, but by afternoon the clouds rolled in~it was still nice but not as pretty. Today is already 66 and I walked about 1.5 miles-feels so good. We must have been both watching Property Brothers at the same time-lol. I love HGTV, so many good shows-I like House Hunters and also Beach Bargains. Hope you are feeling better today! Thank you for your encouragement yesterday!
    Hugs, Noreen


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!