Friday, March 6, 2015

think spring!

today will be our last day below 40 for awhile...
and I hope for good...

its been a long while since I have had any prints made of my photos...
so these are some that I have picked out to have done...

and to put in a scrapbook that I got last year...
maybe even the year before...

I didn't realize how much I missed color outside until I started sorting through the files...

and how much fun we have when we can be outside...

so, once today is gone...

I am hoping, as I am sure everyone else is, too..
that spring finally happens...

and how good it feels to have the windows open!

there's so much work to be done out there...
we have a lot of limbs down in the yard that need hauled to the burn pile...
which needs burning...
the north siding needs washed bad...
its turning green...
didn't get to it last fall and thought it could go until spring...
I was wrong...
too many warm days in December...
I don't know about you...
but for us, winter is officially over when we hook the hoses back up!

plans for the weekend?
kitchen and shopping...
or is it shopping and kitchen?
you will just have to stay tuned to find out!
Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Those are really GREAT photos, Tete. You take such good pictures. I don't remember- what kind of camera do you have?
    That is a WONDERFUL picture of Craig. I love it.
    Have a great Friday- xo Diana

  2. I figure blog land is moving toward showing spring. even if for lots of us, it hasn't really shown its face yet.

    I have some spring-looking art lined up, to use in a post.

    friend in Paris, has pictures of spring flowers coming up!

    we each do, what we can do.

    have a dreaming of spring weekend!

  3. Beautiful photos Tete! I'm really trying to think spring......can't wait to see some color around these parts. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the spring cleaning. We have a side of the house that needs to be powerwashed, limbs to be picked up, leftover leaves to rake and throw away anything broken that didn't survive the winter. have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Tete, I love your flower gardens. You sure do have lots of color. I know you are anxious to have it all in bloom again. Me too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!