Saturday, April 11, 2015

a tale of two onions and other such stories...

but first, before they get packed away for a year...
here are a few things from our last shopping day...
before the dreaded bug bit us and had us down all week...
these bunnies in their eggs were a Dollar Tree find...
I can't wait to use them next year...

and I thought this would be nice on the deck this summer...

and these vintage looking hangy uppy things...
which came with a glitter surround...
you know how hard that is for me...
(garbage can in no time flat!)

I also found three hats...
the straw one for the scarecrow...
the bottom 2 are for me, and I found those at Walmart...
to keep the sun off my nose...
(bad hair days)

so, now you are caught up on that...
so here are Thursday pics before the storms came through...

being inside for 4 whole days was a shocker when I did get out...

so many things have happened without me!

and the wind was fierce that day...
lilacs were bouncing all over the place...

many of you have probably heard about the tornado that hit Rochelle, Il...
we didn't have anything like that at all here...

we are not even close to that area...
but they had us under a tornado watch until 11 that night...

by the time it got to us, it was fizzled out...

called the mower guy and he is coming this weekend...
it seems real when the yard gets mowed...

the neighbor's magnolia tree was in full bloom, too!

and we has plenty of rain this week...
I had the best day yesterday...
its been so long since I have felt that good...
but, I over did it and here I sit waiting for the aspirin to start working...
and I did clean off a lot of the deck and sat out there quite a bit...
so, here in a bit, I will head back to bed and may not come back out until noon...

but several of you asked about the onions...

did you know that onions, along with garlic and honey...
are natural antibiotics?
they kill bacteria...

onions actually are like a sponge and absorb bacteria...
did you know that the most common food responsible for food poisoning is the onion?
because it collects the bacteria...
and if you get sick out on a picnic on the potato salad...
it wasn't the mayo that did it...
that stuff is pretty stable...
it will be the onion in the potato salad that made you sick...
onions should be sealed in a container as soon as you slice them and put in the fridge...
and do not keep them long...
if you put some in a bowl, like above...
they will absorb bacteria in the air...
and if you are really sick and have a lot of germs...
just cut one in half and place it in a bowl beside the bed over night...
throw away in the morning...

I have, for the past several years and longer...
placed a bowl of onions for this purpose in the kitchen...
some people will put a bowl in every room through the winter...
and we might get sick once...
but its not too bad...
not like what we have had this year...
so the onions are back...
the cheapest ones are fine...
I got a 3 lb bag...
and remember to keep them separate from the others and not to use them...
if they turn black, which means they are working...
just toss them and put some fresh ones out...
I am convinced this works...
but only if you do it!

so there you go...
now, get outside and play!
its spring for Pete's sake!


  1. Good Morning, I couldn't sleep so I decided to catch up reading some blogs. I have enjoyed catching up with you this morning and I love your pictures. The farm country reminds me of growing up on the farm with the animals. We got missed with the bad weather. Had some small hail nothing like what others around us got. Take care. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend Shirley@shirleystitches

  2. Don't like this tornado business. Glad you did not get the brunt of this one.

    My friend, who is in Toledo area for a few days, had one hit 3 miles from him. :-(

    Be safe!

  3. Tete, I ,loved your always have some nice things to show us. Thank you for the onion cure. I think next winter, I am going to try that for sure...also tell my daughter's about it. Hope you get well soon. I hate the horrible loss and damage of the tornadoes. Bless you, xoxo,Susie

  4. It looks beautiful at your place, Tete. The magnolia is gorgeous! They are blooming here too and are the prettiest trees! Happy Spring to you and your family.

  5. I have also been doing the onion thing the past few years. I am not sure how sick we would have been otherwise, but I figure it is cheap and worth the try.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!