Tuesday, April 14, 2015

so, here is spring at our house...

its just coming up so fast...

and we still don't have all the beds cleaned out real good...

but its always a work in progress...

and the housework is suffering...

but it will be there later and on rainy days...

these were given to me by my late father in law...

and I plan on passing them down to the kids when they get their own homes...

and I am still sore and achy...

and I can't wait until I get that all worked out and in gardening shape...

a lot of the tulips are up, but no color showing yet...

and the mower guy got a new $13,000 mower...

and it makes the yard look really nice...

this is a good place to sit and rest...

the day lilies are getting taller...

and this is my little jungle area...

and I think it will make a great place for my fairy garden...

I just need to find some fairies...

or make them...
so, how does your garden grow?



  1. I love your garden Tete! This past winter seemed longer and darker than the others. Friends tell me it is because I am getting older! LOL Myfibro has been flaring the last couple of months so I have slowed down but the new medicine is getting better. I have been reading your posts and I always enjoy your photos! They make me appreciate the REAL gifts in my life! Love the music too! xxJackie aka Dazee

  2. Just look at your daffodils, Tete! Mine haven't started blooming yet. I just love this time of year. Love your little girl in the first pic:)

  3. Tete, Your place is looking so nice and spring like. Love it. I was just outside walking around and talking about what all Ted and I need to do here. We are getting many lilies popping up , like you said no color just the green parts. Our clematis is growing too and I just found a wee wren nest in it from last year...so sweet. I love that you have the daffodils from your FIL and are going to pass them along. Blessings to you for a great week...hope you get to feeling less achy. xoxo,Susie

  4. Spring is looking so beautiful there, Tete. You have a good eye for plantings and landscaping...and your pictures are always great. Spring is finally here, too....I think! xo Diana

  5. Looking great so far! I just finished cleaning the front and side flower beds. Now I have to tackle the backyard. When the neighbor rakes his leaves to the side of his house and leaves them there all fall and winter they blow everywhere in the spring making my job cleaning the flower beds a little harder......(sarcasm here).


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!