Friday, October 2, 2015

another week, another month...

this week has just flown by for me...
so much for getting my list done...

I did play with the inside fall decor yesterday, but not happy with it...
gotta rework it a bit...

and I didn't even cook yesterday!  
I know, shame on me...

we snagged a pizza instead at Casey's...
and a box of day old doughnuts...
and it was full of pumpkin ones...

got a couple of prayer requests this morning...
if you do that kind of thing...
my uncle, the last surviving one is in the hospital and they think he had a stroke...
they just moved my aunt and uncle into a nursing home last weekend...
she is not well, either...
got news late last night about one of our local firemen...
they thought his intestines were coming out...
and he is a fireman/ rescue driver...
he is trained as a first responder and goes out on calls with the ones who transported him last night...
he helped us with Christmas Is A Child, was Santa for the fire stations thing with the local kids here and he was the main one to get the fireworks back in town along with extended the activities to it becoming an all day thing...
he has a wife and 2 daughters...
he is just a few years older than my son and was our next door neighbor when he was a kid...
he tries so hard to do good...
and he helps so many people here...

please keep them both in your prayers this weekend...

DH has Sunday off and so does Craig...
(Craig's birthday is tomorrow, but you didn't hear it from me)
I think we will be heading out to Paris...
you know...
the home of the whopper...

1 comment:

  1. Tete, Happy birthday to Craig. I hope he enjoys his day. Yes, I will pray for your uncle. I only have one left also. I miss our loved ones. The fireman will be in my prayers also. Please keep us posted. Hope your men will enjoy the day off. Hope your husband doesn't get called in , because of harvest. The field of corn down 20 feet , got harvested today. The Pioneer Company did their Mile long x1/2 mile wide field today/ yesterday. That looks so bare with that big field cleaned. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!