Wednesday, October 14, 2015

our deli and pumpkin patch visit...

its a little bitty town...
but its known for its green...
John Deere green...

and for farm land and buildings...

a small deli/ convenience store/gas station...
( gossip swappin'/ lottery ticket buyin'/ pizza- burger place)

I ran the antique mall there a few years back...
and the people are the best...

its also known for this...
our only whirly gig around...
and it was spinnin' like crazy when we were there...
and of course its known for the pumpkin place...
just a couple of old farmers who grow them and sell them at their home...
but the sun was heading down and coming straight at us...
so no pics of the that...
they wouldn't have come out...
but its a nice place...
the guys were picking corn just across the road and down a small hill...
got to watch them in action...
these people I know pretty good...
they owned the antique mall...
greatest people to work for...

got another 5 hours or so to go before my man walks through that door again...
I know there's going to be a nap in there somewhere...
I have to keep my routine today so I have a good day tomorrow to get to the doctor and do a little shopping...
just for a few things to tide us until harvest is done...
I got to see a video of my new doc today talking about Parkinson's...
and Praise the Lord!
I can understand him...
that was one of my biggest concerns...
because I have had a few that so hard to understand...
I had to have the nurses translate for me...
this new guy is such a baby...
so young...
pray for me that I don't slip up and call him Scooter...
its a name I call my kids and their friends...
I am going to try so hard to be on my best behavior...
and its so hard for me to do sometimes...
I will post tomorrow after the appointment...
and fill you all in on this first encounter...

hope your day is a good one!


  1. Tete, After the new young dr. did a scoping of my I was coming to, I told him he was my new favorite dr and I loved him. LOL. He told my husband it's the meds. LOL. Too funny. I am wishing you good luck for tomorrow. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Trust your new doctor turns out to be a good one. Kinda hard to trust them and preachers anymore. I feel most small towns are friendlier and more helpful. You sometimes never know who is around you in the city.

  3. LOL- I am trying to imagine you on your best

    I am so glad that you have a new dr and that you are able to understand him. I take it he is foreign. Hope you had a good day and that your appointment goes well tomorrow. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!