Friday, November 13, 2015

a couple of years ago...

there was snow on the ground at this time, so the 50s isn't so bad after all...

sure do wish this wind would stop blowing at 50 mph, though...

got laundry to do today, since I didn't get to it yesterday...

left overs for supper...
what ever you can find in the fridge, you can eat...

made a meatloaf and baked potatoes yesterday...

there's left over fried potatoes and sauerkraut, too...

plus a lot of other odds and ends...

got a boston butt in there to cook tomorrow...
with potatoes and carrots and whatever else I can find to throw in there...

and that will take us to the weekend...

we still have all the roses blooming still...
not sure how they do it, but we have piled the leaves on and their toes are warm...

called a new dentist place that just opened up and got an appointment for the 2nd of December...
sounds odd, doesn't it?
for the initial check up and then to schedule the oral surgery...
next Wednesday is the smashing and blood check...
and the doctor visit...
so, that will be over with another year...
would like to adjust it so its after the 1st of the year and not around all the things going on around this time...
with DH coming out of harvest, the holidays rolling through and the toy drive...
too much to schedule around...

been cleaning house...
I really live a boring life...


  1. You actually LIVE a BUSY life most of the time, Tete. Good luck with all your tests, etc. Great pictures as always. We have that wind here, too---UGH! xo Diana

  2. What kind of needed oral surgery, please? If you said, I missed it.

    I have been having my share of oral surgery and etc., etc. So I am very interested. Lots of hugs, to both of us!


  3. Tete, I am loving our sunshine today...although this high wind makes it colder than it is. I like to try to use up all the good food left in the fridge...some times I just have to toss it. I like to never waste anything that can be made into soup. LOL. I wish you all good luck at the dentist..hope he's good. I hope your "smashing " goes well also. Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!