Thursday, November 19, 2015

I am so tired...

of all the ugly things going on in the world and every other post here and there is of evil things being done...
so I am making pretty things with simple messages and flooding my spaces with good...
take it and share it as much as you like...


  1. I am guilty, of forgetting the unwritten rules of pretty blog land. The very wise unwritten rules of pretty blog land. that our blogs, should be a haven. Especially in times of world horror.

    And I am not going to post again, until I can get my head back, into making my blog, a haven.

    Gentle hugs, Tessa

  2. I have been avoiding social media, blogs, etc for the very same reason...hatred. Everywhere I look all I seem to see is people tearing each other down and it is pitiful and depressing. I just don't have any joy to share at the moment. Thank you for posting this...blessings to you. love and peace

  3. Tete, I want to know what all is happening in the world...but oh gosh, the news media pounds us over the head with it. I even think some times they help stir up hate and craziness. Every one going for that big story. I appreciate your pretty things. and kind words. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!