Saturday, November 28, 2015

survived another turkey day...

I tried to hold back...
and did pretty good...
you should have seen the guy's plates...

we had a great dinner...
and then we took a drive after our nap...

a group puts trees on the square to make money for their charitable fund...
all the money from them goes back to the community...
and people and businesses pay to sponsor a tree and then decorate it...

it was a pretty day...
but yesterday was rainy and warm...
until the afternoon...

we haven't drug the christmas stuff out yet...

we will sometime this weekend...

did nothing yesterday...
nap, eat. took a drive...
so we need to step it up a bit today...
cleaning and laundry...
need to deep clean the living room before the tree goes up...
we do not shop during all the chaos of black Friday, that started on Thursday here...
not our thing...
not doing that...
Craig said it was nuts yesterday...

heading back to bed...
way too early to be up on a weekend...
have a great day!


  1. Tete, I did well not to eat much at Thanksgiving. I actually had a nice left over lunch at my sisters yesterday. I did not bring home anything from my daughters...other than ham for Ted. Well I brought home some of her pumpkin muffins...I am not eating them. Ted will. LOL. Glad you had s good day with your family. I love seeing your town. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete, glad you enjoyed a beautiful Thanksgiving. Taking a drive is always a nice way to relax after the big meal and nap. Love your pics around town. No Black Friday shopping for me. I started early this year and beat the crowds.
    Be Blessed and have a great rest of the weekend. xo


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!