Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Deck the halls...

still sorting through the many totes of CHRISTmas decor...
I never put it all out...
no room for all of it...

but I do like to do it up a bit different every year...
and depending on what I found throughout the year...
I like using things in different ways...

so that's what I played with today...
while this one was napping...
little Sarah...
goes full steam until she falls over...

and our Annie...
who is already back to normal...
doing very well now back at home...
I will not adopt her out again, she has to stay...

the next little area to work on...

and my wonderful son...
avoiding me again...
notice the headphones...

so he doesn't have to listen to me singing along with ole' Bing...

and this is the find of last month...
I kind of did a snowman make over on him...
and gave him some hair...
changed his earmuffs...
rosied up his cheeks...
and there you go...

prayers for a good day for me tomorrow so I can get to the dentist and back ok...
not looking forward to this, but want it done...
and to get well and for my sinuses to clear up once and for all...
tired of being half sick all the time...

there is a hint that we might have snow flurries in the morning...
we have already done that, its time to move on...
one snow a year is enough...
it won't stick or stay and back to the 50s this weekend...

still working on the outside...
Doug cut the greenery today and put that up...
need to do the lights...
found the tote that Craig said didn't exist...
I knew better...
and mom is always right...


  1. LOL- Yep- Mom is always right. I am dreading going down into our basement and digging out the totes. I have SO MUCH Christmas stuff.

    Your little snowman with hair is cute as can be--with the earmuffs he kind of reminds me of Craig with headphones. lol

    Praying tomorrow goes great, Tete, and you can get back on the road to good health. xo Diana

  2. Tete, Those kids can fool us moms. I laughed at what Diana said about the snowman and Craig. Cute. Tete, honey you know you will be in my thoughts...you know how I feel about the dentist and my teeth. I think teeth and sinuses kind of link...so you may be feeling better if you have any tooth health issues and they can be fixed. Blessings, be safe on the roads. xoxo,Susie

  3. Hi Tete, yes mom is always right!! Love your little snowman head on the spring. So cute. Looks like you are getting Christmas decorating done beautifully. All the best tomorrow and better days ahead. I understand about teeth and sinus issues!!
    Happy December and Prayers for you. xo

  4. Heard there were flurries in Greenup this am. I have too many totes too! So this year I am going to change things a little. No cat to tear things up anyway :(
    Good luck tomorrow and get on the road to feeling good for the Holidays!

  5. Good luck tomorrow! I understand dental woes. but my drillin' and fillin' amd removeing are over. :-)

    yes we are always right. but get them to put that in writing. lol


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!