Monday, December 28, 2015

more rain here...

and no where to put it...
plus, we will be raking corn stalks in the spring before anything else gets done...

the roads are closed all over the place here...

Doug and Paula got me these angels for Christmas...

and this pretty clock...
its huge...
got to find a place to hang it...
in the living room...
when the Christmas decorations come down...
maybe over the mantle...
or replace the other large clock that is up there but about half this size...

be safe out there...
I don't think there is any fun place to be...
its snow, rain, floods, tornadoes or winter storms moving in...
2015 isn't leaving without a fight...

prayers for all those on the roads trying to make it home...
for all the families who have lost loved ones or their homes...

waiting on DH to get home from work...
he cannot get here, but will have to park somewhere north of the tracks and walk in...
its been worse...
and we have everyone still...


  1. Tete, I am so sick of this rain. I'd love a couple days of sunshine. I have been wondering about condition there. It's getting bad right now ...but still hopeful that the rain will stop and things can start looking up. Even though I hate this and complain...I know so many others need our prayers and good wishes. So scary and so very sad for the families that lost loved ones.
    Take care and be safe.Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete! I hope you had a nice Christmas! Cute angels and lovely clock! The Chicagoland area experienced rain, sleet, snow, heavy winds and more rain. It wasn't supposed to snow, so I didn't dress for it. I had no boots, heavy coat, scarf, gloves or hat. ERRRRRRRRR. It was not fun brushing heavy, wet snow off my car in ballet flats, dress pants and a fleece jacket. On top of that, I had no snowbrush in my car, so thank God there was a broom in the office. Hey, better then nothing right! I shouldn't complain, especially with the crazy weather in TX. Prayers to the people of TX. Anyway, I hope your and your family have a wonderful New Year!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!