Saturday, January 16, 2016

happy weekend...

hope your week went well...

just got done doing a 3 day migraine...

so, I have been laying kind of low...

we have had some warm days here...
and some cold...
with colder coming...

I think I will probably stay in and hide from winter...

unless I get the old man to go for a ride so I can get some more photos...

not a lot going on this weekend...
there's always laundry...
not sure what, but we got to eat something...
I am sure there will be sports on tv...
I think I will hide in my play room...

would like prayers for my brother in law...
he landed in the hospital this week...
and its nothing life threatening...
but I think its where he needed to be to get lined out...
and back on his feet...
he called me from the hospital...
he was bored...
so that's a good sign...
have a good weekend...


  1. Tete, I am glad you are better...but that headache sounds awful. I know what you mean about there's always laundry and cooking.. LOL.zzzz
    Hope you can get out for a drive at least. I will pray for your BIL..that was nice he called you though. This weathers cold again and everything here is slick...scary. Blessings to you, xoxo,Susie

  2. I am glad you are recovered from that headache and found energy to take some photos. I hope your BIL is healing.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!