Saturday, January 23, 2016

it's cow time...

found these critters out of their pasture around noon today...
bad for them, good for me...
got some close ups...

I came home and tattled on them...
so hopefully, they got them put back before dark happened...

how cute is that?

there's nothing cuter than calves in the winter...
they are fuzzier...

and they can be pretty funny on ice...

so sweet...

DH and I have just hung out today...
and we sure needed it...
he just put in a week of 12-14 hours...
moving 2 ground piles of corn to the elevator...
and me and my rotator cuff problems...
its paying off...
all the down time and PT I have been doing...
it is much, much better...

and my brother in law is working away at his PT in rehab...
they got a terrible winter snow storm on the east coast...
he's been watching it from the window...
he is improving every day...
just takes a bit to get your strength back...

we are warming up here...
its not 60 yet, so no jumping up and down...
but its out of the single digits and -0 wind chills...
still looking forward to spring, which is another day closer now...

and if you have time, keep Nana Diana and her old fart in your prayers for the next several weeks...
he is doing chemo and radiation...
and they are working their tails off to kick this thing to the curb...
it takes so much time and energy...
physical, mental and spiritual...
she is such a fire house of get up and go, but she only has so much...
she could use the extra angels on her side...
just keep them close in your heart and keep whispering their names over and over to the big guy upstairs...
I am sure he knows them well...

Hope you are not in the path of that nasty storm...
but it you are...
stay safe and warm...
the good thing about snow and ice is that it has to melt sometime...
praying for all of you...
have a great weekend...

1 comment:

  1. Tete, Sorry I almost missed this. Glad you guys are doing well. I always enjoy your pictures...You may not believe this, but this morning as I read the paper and looked at camera ads...I thought, I wish Tete lived next door...I would love to play with this camera of mine...cause I am telling you the pitiful book that came with it is hopeless....or I am. I tried to take a photo of the moon last night...good grief...just a white spot in a field of black. Bummer. Yes, I have been praying for Diana and John every day. I do believe in the power of prayer. I know their faith is strong..but as you said they need extra angels at this time. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!