Thursday, February 25, 2016

my own little world...

while the blizzard blew on...
I was here...

finished my garden scrapbook cover...

and I found these at the Dollar General last Sunday...
going on the next bear I do...

and I doodled...
planning, planning, planning...
this is the deck...

changing things up a bit this year...
all kinds of ideas going through my head...
and longing for the time spent out here this year...
I am so ready...

our power flickered off and on much of the day and then we lost power for awhile at 9pm...
not off too long- 35 minutes or so...
so we did fine...
DH came home at 11 since they didn't have power there...
Craig had the day off...
so we just cooked and ate and napped...
good day...
hope you were safe and warm...
tornadoes again in the south and east...
prayers for all in this wide variety of weather...


  1. Tete, God bless those power and light fellows. They are the best. Those eye lashes...glad you are putting them on a bear. I would want fake hair lashes for myself. LOL I like your crafty place. Stay warm my friend,bless you, xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete! Winter storm wise, nothing really happened in my neck of the woods. Just a little windy. Your garden album is lovely Tete. I've been meaning to make a garden album for the last couple of years. Maybe this summer!

  3. We have some warmer temps but always knowing the snow is building just around the bend. I want to see your bear with those long lashes. Sweet! Love the desk ideas....ah summer and cold drinks and lots of hamburgers on the grill or chicken too. I can dream can't I? xo


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!