Tuesday, February 23, 2016

well, shucks...

I have not been doing very well for a long time now...

too many things came at me at once, I guess...

and one thing leads to another...
and so on...

until I got up this morning and was having trouble breathing...

I almost called the ambulance...
but I had Craig here...

so we made it through that first hour...

and I called the clinic...
talked to my doctor's nurse and made plans to get in in the afternoon late...

called the old man at work and he came home early, so we left early and got in...

the report says acute bronchitis...
but it feels like my lungs are full, too...

but I got antibiotics and an inhaler and he told me to take Robotussin DM....
and I really do feel better already...

the nice weekend proved too much for me and everything that I wanted to do didn't happen...

but DH did get me out on a short drive and I got these awesome photos...
love sheep and lambs...
that little baby there...
its tail was wagging so fast...
nothing cuter than a baby lamb...

so- I am on the mend now...
he said it could take 4 weeks...
still have time to get better before spring comes for real...
pray it happens...

we could be getting another snow storm here...
starting Tuesday night and finishing up on Wednesday...
4-8 inches...
are they kidding?

I will let you know what really happens...


  1. Tete, Spring has been just teasing us I guess.. I am not in the mode for that big old snow and rain storm headed this way. I hope you take care and get well . You know you have to care for yourself at times. I'll be thinking of you. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete, so glad you are on the mend finally. I know how long bronchitis takes to get over. Take care and rest up. Thoughts and prayers. xo

  3. Oh so sorry to hear you've been ill. I've had bronchitis before, it is NOT fun at all. Enjoyed your wonderful photos here today and I hope you continue to be on the mend.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!