Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter egg hunt on Saturday...

meet Eli...
I know you have probably met him here before...
but we have a tradition of watching him egg hunt every year...
DH works with his dad, so they are just friends of ours...
but we really like this guy...

 our egg hunt is on the square in our little town...

and all the kids come...
the little kids  hunt eggs right in the middle of the square...
the bigger kids are in grassy areas, just off of the square...
which I think is where we will have to go next year to watch Eli...

Eli was all about finding eggs this year...

he had his game on...

he knew just what to do and went about doing it...

there was just no stopping him until his basket was full...

it was a beautiful day...

a little cool, but a hoodie took care of that...

time to open the eggs!

they are full of candy and sometimes, if you are lucky, there will be a piece of paper inside saying that you have won a huge Easter basket from the Easter Bunny!
Eli got one last year, but not this time...
but he did get a pile of candy...
and he was good with that...

now the whole time the guys were hunting for eggs...
his mama was asking me about adopting dogs through the rescue where we got Charlie and I help out with at times...
so, when we got back home, I was on it...
by Sunday afternoon, Eli had a dog...
a rescue dog named Gretchen...

they met her and took her home...
and Eli has a new forever buddy to hang out with and take to the park with him every day...
isn't she just beautiful?
she came in pregnant and had her pups...
they are being adopted out now...
the pups go quickly, but not so much the moms...
so happy they picked the mom!
no more shelters for her!
its a win/win...
they got an awesome dog...
and she got an awesome family!

our Easter blessing this year...
I can't wait to meet her!

1 comment:

  1. Tete, You do so much for people. What a kind person you are. :):) I like that sweet face of Eli's. I had a fun easter dinner with my daughter's family. Then two other daughters came a bit later and we had a good visit. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!