Thursday, March 10, 2016

soggy morning...

Craig hauling in totes full of Christmas stuff for the toy drive...
we have found some really great things for the kids on clearance the last couple of weeks...

that's where its stored...

the robins are back!
that surely means spring...

we missed the biggest part of the rain from this system going through...
we don't need a lot to flood again...
so we are thankful for that...

when the high waters went down, this bike emerged just below the dam...

we haven't gotten much done outside or in...
Craig has had 5 days off and we just puttered around here...
trying to get the soreness worked out and the energy back...

its early here, and there is a light rain...
the sky is just starting to light up...
I have had breakfast with DH and I think I am heading back to bed for awhile...

not much planned for today...
need to put away a load of laundry that's still on the kitchen table from last night...
its all folded, but DH was in bed and didn't want to try to get it put up in the dark last night...

have good days!


  1. Tete, You are on top of things, getting toys this early. Hope all of you are feeling better there. Yes, it's a blessing to not get any more rains. We are having some right now and I am not want it to be heavy. God help the people in the south. I can't even begin to think about that much rain. You and your fellows will have your yard shaped up in no time. Take care of yourselves. Bless you, xoxo,Susie

  2. So glad the rain missed us! Cleaning out the basement, we had water in it for the first time ever back in Dec. It is spring clean up day here so I am purging!

  3. Hi Tete, Love the photo you captured of the robins. Looks like you had lots of rain too. It has been pouring since Sunday here and predicted till this Sunday. We needed it and it is helping to wash some of the pollen away.
    Hope ya'll are feeling better and getting some energy back.
    Thanks for stopping by. Always great to see you.
    Have a nice weekend. xo


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!