Wednesday, April 13, 2016

our local golf course had visitors...

we went for a drive the other night and just caught these 2 out of the corner of my eye...

we had already passed and I didn't want DH to back up...
so these are the best I could do from that distance...

they were playful and having a really good time...

it was very nippy out that day, too...

but the wind was still and water photos were amazing...

we used to play this course almost every morning after the kids were off to school...
and with Craig between us before that...

we still have our clubs...
I can never play again...
but I might just take a ride around the holes sometime this year...
with my camera...
we know the managers...

we are in spring mode here!
the temps are going up and the rain is no where in sight...
its time to get some garden time in...

(Craig was looking at greenhouses online yesterday)
he wants to put one in...
our yard...
how cool is that?

have good days!


  1. Tete, I think you did well on the deer photos. I love looking at our golf course too. Ted used to play twice a week. I have been three times. I wanted to learn but Ted had no patience for me. Glad you could get out. It's pretty here this week. Still cool and nippy in the mornings. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete, Although we live on a golf course and one fairway is right out our back yard, we don't get deer; we were told we used to get coyotes and though I've heard them, I've never seen them. So I'm wondering why you can't golf? I tried many years ago, about 30, but didn't have the time or $$$ for it; then 20 yrs ago I had a back injury and will never be able to play. I don't think it bothers hubby any more, he still plays regularly. Love your photos. I think you would be able to ride a cart in the evenings, just to shoot photos-it might even be good advertisement for the course.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!