Monday, April 4, 2016

our weekend drive around town...

Sunday was much calmer than the Saturday super winds...
so we took a drive before we started working in the yard...

spring is here for sure now...
and there is nothing prettier than blooms and blossoms...

the colors are alive again...

we had a limb break in the hybrid popular...
so DH worked on that...

while Craig and I cleaned off the deck and moved things around...
no photos of any of that, but I try to get some for tomorrow...
much cooler days for us now...

I was just happy to be out while the sun was shining so bright...
still bundling up to go out in it...
but soon, very soon...
we will be sweating and wearing shorts and flip flops again!
have a fun day!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!