Sunday, July 24, 2016


when we take a step, we leave a print...
every single time...
when we love, we leave a print...
when we hate, we leave a print...
every single time...
when we give and help and hug, we leave a print...
when we get angry, ignore the broken and say its not my job...
we leave a print...
every single time...
we leave a mark where ever we go...
everything we do...
everyone we touch...
every single time...
every minute of every day for our entire lives...
we have left millions of prints...
every single minute...
and people see your prints...
in what you do, what you say, how you live...
every single time...
so the question is...
where do they lead?
every single time?

the world is broken...
and the only way to fix it...
is to leave better footprints...
every single time...

1 comment:

  1. Tete, This is beautiful. I want my footprints to lead to God.:) I have missed a few of your posts, sorry. I loved the look on Cookie's" face. Sad about that big tree. I saw a property on my way to my daughter's yesterday , they have taken down about 5 trees damages from storms here. Blessings for a great Sunday...stay cool. xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!