Saturday, July 30, 2016

he's ok...

 the truck...
not so much...

Craig was in an accident on his way to work yesterday afternoon...
I got the call...
"Mom, the truck's totaled, but I'm ok, got to go, the cops are here."

priorities change again...
looking for a car for him, dealing with the insurance, getting into the clinic...
think I have bronchitis...
will be busy this weekend getting all that done...
they gave him a few days off of work to look for something to drive...

but God was good and we got to keep the most important one...
he is fine, not a scratch...
seatbelt and air bag...
and an angel or two or three...

he has a ticket to pay...
I think they were both at fault, but its not worth fighting...
we only had liability on the truck...
so starting from scratch and this boy is going to be making his first car payment, ever...
the truck had 250,000 miles on it...
I believe that something was going to go wrong, maybe terribly wrong with it...
and God took it away before that happened...

Craig is just sick about it...
but I keep telling him...
things happen for a reason...

keep us in your prayers this weekend...
that things fall into place for us...
he can't afford to lose his job...
for no transportation...
have a good weekend, yourselves...


  1. Tete, So thankful your son is save. That could have been scary... It sounds like it was getting close to time for a newer vehicle . I will be praying for all good out comes for your family and you. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. I just prayed for you all and thanked the Lord your son to be okay. To see that car and he is okay. A miracle.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!