Friday, August 19, 2016

along the prairie...

its been a rough few days, but I am finally off of the antibiotics...

I think the things make me sicker than what I am taking them for sometimes...

baby ducks are one of my favorite things...

Craig was off the last two days and we had plans of going shopping...
but that didn't  happen...

because of me...
and DH has been coming in around 7 every night...
but not tonight...
supposed to be home at his normal time...
and not working tomorrow...
and there's rain coming in again...
so maybe only one day outside...
so we can shop when its raining...
taking a slow day...
things are caught up around here...
I need to clean out the fridge...
its turned into a black hole with a light that comes on when you open the door...
can't find anything you go in for...
other than that, I am good to go...

I do need to make arrangements to get some of the kitties to their forever homes this weekend...
and we might be fostering Charlie's brother...
the rescue asked me Wednesday if we would...
and I am waiting to hear back from them...
its been 2 years since the boys have seen each other...
I think it might be nice for them...
I am not sure why he came back for his adopted home...
she did say he goes around in circles and the vet says there is a lesion on his brain...
but that is all it effects...
so, this little guy needs a chance to find the right place for him...
and we need to see what else is going on with him...
they were from a puppy mill and hard telling what they went through there...
have a great weekend...
stay dry, stay cool, stay safe...

1 comment:

  1. First, thanks for stopping by, my blog, the other day! Second, I love your beautiful pictures! I hope you get better very soon!

    Grace & Peace


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!