Friday, August 12, 2016

babies are on their way...

met a newbie to our rescue yesterday afternoon...
and she will be fostering the babies until their homes are found...

she took the photos and posted them right away on facebook...
we will miss them, but know this is what's best for them and their new families...

then we headed for town and got my antibiotics at Walmart...
headed for County Market, coupons in hand...
and we saved $51 with them this time...
that's always a good thing...

we grabbed supper at Taco Bell...
it had been closed for awhile for renovations...
so we just wanted to see the inside!
they went with an industrial look, but didn't seemed finished to me...
lacked accents and all, but it is nice...
and the food was fast and the best its ever been there...

it hadn't been updated in over 30 years...
we were talking about taking Craig there when he was very small...
it was the only other fast food he would do besides McDonald's...
and we used to get so sick of doing McDonald's every single time we went out...

just a couple more days and the cooler weather will be here...
I am hoping to open some windows soon...
and blow the stink out of here...
it seems like forever since we have done that...

have a great day


  1. Happy Friday Tete! Love those kittens, so very precious, glad you got a foster home for them. Our weather is seasonal-one day nice and warm and the next cooler. Hope you have a great weekend dear one!

  2. Tete, Cute kittens...don't think I have ever seen an ugly kitten. LOL.Glad you saved some money. Hope your new meds work great for you. I am ready for some cool weather too. It has not rain yet...but the weather reports keep saying it's coming....I just do not want any 4 inch rain...that's too much. Blessings for a great safe weekend, xoxo, Susie

  3. That one looks like it could be Jasper's sister!! Was that Taco Bell in Charleston? Hey, any good places to eat or Antique shop in Paris that you know of?


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!