Tuesday, August 2, 2016

when your baby walks away...

I did get some gardening time in yesterday...
while waiting for the truck to be towed back here...

it looks worse than what we thought on Friday...
we only saw it head on from a pretty good distance..

nothing came through the firewall...
the engine is sideways...

we gave the truck to our neighbor...
who is a mechanic...

for parts for his little truck...
and the tires...

he's pretty much going to strip it all down and re-do his...
he is thrilled to get it...

we will drive by it daily....
we can look out the living room window and see it...

and it doesn't bother me one bit...

God has given me a peace like none other I have ever had...
I prayed for it heading for Charleston on Friday to pick him up...
and its been here ever since...

now, if you didn't believe in angels before...
here's proof that they protect...
and keep safe...
what's really important in your life...
and they help them walk away from twisted metal...

there's peace in that...
knowing that angels are among us...
walking with us...
through everything we do...
everywhere we go...


  1. Angels are among us; that is a shocking sight of the truck. How good your neighbor will use the parts. A bit of a resurrection.

  2. Tete, You are right, without angels this could have been much worse. I am thankful for your son's safety. If the neighbor gets some good out of the left overs of that truck ...that will be good too. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  3. Oh Tete, yes there are angels among us. So glad your son is okay.



Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!