Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I'm in love...

with these mums...

especially the butter yellow that fades into a soft pink...

aren't they pretty?
not the typical fall colors bouquet...
but my new favorite!

and the white ones...
I would have never picked them out...
so glad I send Craig on errands...
he sees what I miss...

Craig has called in the last 2 days...
he had a stomach bug on top of our head and chest cold thing we have going on here...
he seems much better tonight...
we are living on cold and allergy over the counter meds...
and marching on...

hope your fall days are sweet...
and full of fancy...
and no runny noses!


  1. Hope you all get to feeling better real soon!

  2. I hope y'all are feeling better! I've been blowing my nose and taking allergy meds, for about two weeks! Miserable! Love the mums!

    Grace & Peace,

  3. What beautiful mums! I just love those that aren't traditional. I need to get some:)
    Hope you are feeling better soon! It's so nice to not be so darn hot and muggy, I am loving the cooler temps, even these past few gloomy days haven't bothered me!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!