Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Tuesday night in a small prairie town...

had to go mail some bills off last night...

so we took the long way around to get back home...

it had been so hot during the day, but it did cool off some once the sun started down...

an old town...

flag football practice going on...

future cheerleaders...

and fishing at the dam...

quiet, simple...

and ready for fall football!
 and that's how we do evenings around here...

I am not sure if its just me or if we are all having problems...
I visited several places yesterday and tried to leave comments, but I think only 2 of them were successful...
I am getting around, but not sure if I am leaving anything behind!
if there is a problem, hopefully, it will be fixed soon...

have great days...
another hot one here...
staying in and staying low...


  1. Tete, I love your town. Your pictures always make it look so nice. There's a time of day when most are eating dinner that our town seems quieter. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. yes I have had problems here and there.

  2. Your town has a relaxed look, I like the fishing at the dam and the brick building with the tobacco ad on it. All is well this week with posting comments for me.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!