Thursday, October 27, 2016


just to let you know that I have not left the country...
or on a pleasure cruise...

got more babies in last night...
no photos,  yet...
just trying  to make it to each feeding time...

the first litter of 2 came in around 5:15pm...
right after Domino's pizza for supper!

litter 2 came in an hour later...
4 in that one...

that makes a grand TOTAL of...
yep, 9...

bottle feeding 7 now...
2 on slop and hard food...

I will be back within a week or so...
if not sooner...

gotta get a shower...
took one on the way to bed last night...
didn't dry my hair, slept goofy and now there is nothing to fix about it...
gotta wet it down and start over before someone knocks on the door and gets my image on their phone and plasters it all over the internet...
you know its Halloween, but some things are better not shared...
clothes would be another good thing...
on my second night gown since the last shower...
got pooped on in the middle of the night...

so- have a great rest of the week...
and weekend...
enjoy November coming in...
and possibly Thanksgiving...
(just kidding about Thanksgiving)
nah, I should be back before then...

Be good and vote TRUMP!



  1. Tete, Sounds like you need a long plastic apron tend to the kittens in the night. You are going to be a crazy cat lady one day.. LOL. My daughter says it take about 98 cats for that to be true. LOL. Blessings to you and your good heart, xoxo, Susie

  2. You are sure a good 'momma'--even if you said you weren't gonna do that again. lol
    Have fun with your new babies, Tete. I do feel that is one of your callings in life.
    I see you got your little political ad in xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!