Sunday, October 16, 2016

looking for fall colors...

we seem to be lacking in those...
but we still have color...

not sure why for sure...
lack of rain...
not cool enough...

but the tree lines are not changing...

and we are still "gardening"...

leaves are holding their green...

but, finally...
the last couple of days...

we have gotten some hints here and there...

except for the walnut trees...
they always turn first and looks dead before the others get going...

it might not be the colors you were expecting...

but its all I got to work with....

did I mention walnuts?

the only "real' fall color came from the pumpkin patch last weekend...

and they seem to be holding their own even with the warmer days...

we have had a very brief cool down...
but its heading back into the 80s...
and looks like its going to warm for us through the end of the month...

been a rough week with the tummy flu, but its finally over...
the last 2 days were spent catching up and cleaning and doing laundry...
and taking care of the baby...
who has been adopted and will leave here as soon as she is ready...
who's that?
I don't see him much...
he's been pulling 12+ hours a day, 7 days a week now...
we'll meet up again in a couple weeks...

Craig said yesterday that he thinks we will go from summer right into winter...
I think he's onto something there...
I hope not, but it looks that way...
going for a drive today to find fall...
wish me luck!


  1. Tete, I hope your Craig is wrong...but it's scary. I was hoping for a long pleasant autumn season with Indian Summer in November. LOL. Your man will be a stranger when he's done with those long harvest shifts. :):) I loved seeing all your cute scenes in your yard. Take care stay well. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Tete- Once again, I am always amazed at how wonderful your yard and decorations look. You really have 'the touch' and I love to see pictures of what you put together. Hope the DH doesn't get sick working all those hours. Have a wonderful, blessed Sunday- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!