Monday, November 28, 2016

its been a whole week!

first off, last Tuesday, Craig was hurt at work...
and needed 3 staples...
he is fine and those are coming out today!

we started setting up for the toy drive...

so thankful for this community...

and the donations haven't even gotten started yet...

the downtown is so pretty!
I have more photos of that for later this week...

its so much fun to see everyone getting their Santa on!

I have but a few things out...
no time and we still have babies...
and in between all of this...
we had Thanksgiving...
adopted out a baby or 3...
down to 4 that are ready to go...
and one that needs to be checked by the vet...
might be cross eyed or have vision problems...

I think 99% of the leftovers are gone...
so I have to cook today...
been cleaning and getting ready for the tree to go up...
when the rest of the babies leave here...
my rescue contact has been with family in California for the last week..
the one left in charge has been no help at all...

and I have come to a decision...
a hard one at that...
this is the last litter...
I am not able to do it on my own...
and with both guys working days...
only off on the weekends...
its just not possible for me to keep doing this...
because I do have down days...
I haven't told the rescue yet...
its not going to go over well at all...
but I have to do what's best for me...
and keep me going or I am no help to anyone at all...

hope your last week was a good one...
and you were stuffed with good food...
surrounded by good people...
and blessed with all you have...
we sure were...


  1. Tete, Do not feel badly about the have gone way beyond the beyond helping. Plus those toy drives and helping with children in your are a saint in my book. I hate to look up in the store and see all that big stuff that could fall on our heads....poor Craig. I had a pleasant holiday's been wonderful. Yes, lots of good foods. Still eating some left-overs. Blessings to you dear friend, xoxo, Susie

  2. Your devotion and caring for the kittens amazes me. I can't imagine the hours it takes, I always wonder how you did it? I am just grateful Jasper and Pounce had you as their first mommy. The both are such wonderful well behaved kittens. I still tell Jasper sometimes when he is in my arms " go to sleep" I think he still remembers. Hope Craig's head is feeling better.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!