Tuesday, January 24, 2017

colder now...

39 today...
but more photos from our sunny Sunday!

farmers rip out hedge rows for more planting area...

they gain in yield, but lose those roots that hold the topsoil in...

going into the state park...
pines are not common here and are only where they have been planted by man...

boat launch...

not doing much today...
laundry, lunch, picking up here and there...
made the bed...

another trip to the doctor tomorrow to talk about my lab results...
won't give them to me over the phone...
Steve's came back fine...
mine will show my blood sugar is up...
we know that...
that's why I go...
another trip makes them more money...
I supposed they need to eat, too...
but geez, we were just there Monday...
and we have this patient portal where we can talk to the doctors and nurses...
they could post it there and call in a script...
but, this will give me a mid week shot at a whopper...
so its good...


  1. Tete, Some things about tests and meds made me crazy....always something too. Too many tests that we don't need makes me wonder are we getting the ones we do need. :) I hope your reports are good too. Stay strong dear friend. xoxo, blessings, Susie

  2. Nice pictures....didn't realize that pines didn't grow there without being introduced by man.
    They want you to come in so they can scold you personally for your blood sugars. lol Hope you have a good night now. xo Diana

  3. Good evening Tete! Glad you were able to get out on that sunny day. I bet some people don't know what hedge rows are! I do, I also know about picking up the hedge apples! lol and how hot a fire built from hedge can get! I do hope your blood sugar is good tomorrow!

  4. I kinda hate those pt portals, that is where I found out I had a mass, instead of finding out from the MD, just not right. Hope it all went well. Jasper and Pounce send their love!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!