Tuesday, January 10, 2017

who rules the roost?

these guys...

but not for long...

the birds are not happy at all with them...

we have 3 regulars that hang out here all the time...

but yesterday morning, there were 9 out there...

now don't go saying...
"oh, those poor babies need to eat, too!"

those poor babies get their own pile of corn every day...
and then they decide to throw a party with the birds' share...
naughty, naughty, naughty!

mama's going to fix that just as soon as the wind dies down...
I'm taking my trusty can of PAM out there...
greasing up the old hook and roof of the feeder, I am...
greasing it up until its slicker than owl pooh on a doorknob!

I opened the front door and hollered squirrel soup is on the menu for tonight...
you should have seen them run...
don't tell me they don't understand sarcasm...
that's what ya get for shakin' that tail at me...

I will let you know how it turns out...

on another note here...
the snow melted overnight...
and when I got up, it was 41...
but there's always a twist here on the prairie...
windy with gusts up to 50mph!

well, got some house cleaning to do around here...
things to put away...
clutter happens...
when a son leaves things here and there...
a mom's work is never done...
have a fun day and don't forget to tuck and roll if that wind knocks you off your feet!


  1. Not that wind here, thank goodness because we are getting a new roof today! Oh those fat squirrels. Love the color of them at home, here they are all grey

  2. Naughty squirrels! I grew up eating squirrel, it is actually pretty tasty! They are quite the acrobats. This wind has blown limbs down and across our small town roads today, mother natures way of keeping these tall oaks trimmed up. It also tore the grommets off our flag's rope, so will have repairs there too. they are saying we might get a big storm this weekend?

  3. Wow- I don't know HOW you get the pictures you do, Tete, but they are amazing. So nice to see you posting, too. I am laughing at you greasing things up for them. They are little devils, aren't they?
    Have a good night- xoDiana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!