Monday, March 6, 2017

another one...

crocus are doing well in this early spring we are having...

but so far, only this color...

we are starting yard work next weekend...
the raking of the flower beds...
and hauling debris to the burn pile...
too early to plant, but we can transplant a few things...

and here is another one...
the first one or two could have been a fluke...
but I think that they think its time...


  1. Tete, It snow here on Saturday morning and we drove to Kokomo to get some things...some of the roads had some clear spots and that is where the robins were gathering...we came upon about 50 , I have never seen that many before in a group. So I think it has to be spring even with some snow here and there. I love your pictures. One day I would love for you to do a post on your camera. My phone can take close pictures that my camera. :( Hope you are feeling great, my friend, Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Tete- I love your sweet pictures here! I like the lighter background you are using. It is so much easier to read and see the pics this way. Lovely!!! Have a great day- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!