Monday, March 13, 2017

hibernating until further notice...

DH and I took a drive around town yesterday to find spring...

and that we did...

star magnolia on the square...

plenty of spring things going on...

even the big old willow at the funeral home was swaying green in the breeze...
it was chilly but not frost bite weather...

we got up this morning...
I bet their tail feathers are stiff!

should we mow?

I seriously think that I am just going to mope today...
poor birdies...
I am sad for them...

come back tomorrow when its all melted and all that...


  1. Burrr... we are cold here too. It sure has been a cloudy late winter for us, so many dreary days one after the other. Bring on the sunshine!

  2. Had enough it was hard opening the side door! Oh well. Melting now

  3. I like the star magnolia in your photo; I had a red flowers star magnolia planted in my back yard last month. Spring will come, I just know it.

  4. Tete, We have to stay in a bit longer. But I am so ready to lounge on the porch. LOL. I loved all your beautiful spring photos. Stay warm. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!