Wednesday, November 8, 2017

38 degrees and dropping...

there are just too many black and white photos to pick from for only 7 days of posting...
so you will get all the left overs...

well, the warm weather left with the winds...

and we are cooler here and the furnace is running...

the cold thingy is going....
but its taking its old sweet time...

seems like its been around forever...

as long as its gone by the weekend...
doing a dose of cold meds every 36 hours now...
so that's better...
sinus headaches every now and then...

got a prayer request for you...
an old neighbor and special friend of mine went into the nursing home last week...
for evaluation to see if she can live on her own or not...
she is hoping to come home later this week...
she has been doing very well there and getting around ok...
I talked to her brother this afternoon...
we write back and forth...
she doesn't do the computer thing...
and she is old school...
so we have been writing for some time...
she lives in Charleston where Craig works...
I cannot go see her until this cold thingy is gone for good...
but if you could remember her in prayer for me...
for her to have better days physically and mentally...
she was down for a week or so and not feeling well...
and then got down in the dumps not getting up and about...
but she is good at the nursing home and doing much better...
just not sure she is where she needs to be to come home...
her name is Pat...
(my mom's name, too)
and old school teacher who never married...
no kids or grandkids to take care of her...
but she has a great brother who lives right next door to her and helps her with all her needs...
cooks lunch and supper and takes her to church when she is able to go...

weekend is coming!
got any plans?


  1. Those are all such great photos, Tete. You have such a good eye.

    I will say a prayer for Pat. That is sad that she only has her brother but it sounds like he is a good brother. I hope she recovers enough to go home and enjoy the years she has left. xo Diana

  2. Tete, You have such a good heart. Yes, I will pray for Pat. I liked reading all you wrote . Blessings to you and I am praying you get well and stay that way. :):) I loved the pictures so much. xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!