Friday, November 3, 2017

have you been challenged?

I have been...
to post for seven days on facebook...
black and white photos...
so here is this morning's post for me...

so welcome to black and white week...

DH is out of harvest time!
getting home by 4...
(in the daylight)
well, this week anyway...
he has the whole weekend off...
dangerous, I know...
but I see the living room furniture moving around a bit...
Craig and I are still fighting this cold thingy thing we got...
but it can't last forever...

have a great weekend!


  1. Tete, That is funny about the furniture moving around a bit. LOL. I think most of the crops around here will be harvested today and tomorrow morning....those will be the breaks is rains. Hope you get well and your son. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Happy November Tete, So sorry that cold is hanging on-one daughter's family had it for three weeks-cough included. So glad your hubby has some shorter days and time to be home with you-even if it is to rearrange furniture. Have a fun weekend.

  3. Yep- I got challenged by one of my girls. So, I am on Day 2 now. Photography is not my strong suit so I have to search for pictures that are usable. lol

    Glad DH is done with the harvest time and hope you and Craigers don't get too sick with colds.

    I have had Alana home here for two days with a cold but she left with her mom for Chicago tonight so suppose she be okay. I sent her off with Nyquil/Daytime and sore throat drops.

    Have a good weekend, Tete. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!