Tuesday, December 26, 2017

what a wonderful time of the year...

when Craig got home...
he worked until closing at 6 on Christmas eve...

he changed clothes real quick and then grabbed a bite to eat...
the rest of us ate a bit earlier...

then we all gathered in the living room and opened presents...

I got this salt lamp from Jody, Craig's girlfriend...
I love it and hope it does all it says it will do!
will keep you posted on that...

everyone got some really fun things and loved everything...
so it was a wonderful Christmas this year...
totally blessed with thankful and loving family...

my photos came our terrible...
so, today, I practiced some more...

and I think I finally got the settings right!
super excited to see how this goes!
it even got the dust!
(I just cleaned this Friday afternoon, or so I thought...)

there are a few things that didn't make it here in time...
but will be coming in this week...

DH was awesome, helping and cleaning all weekend...
helping with the cooking and we just went from one thing to another until it was done...
and all the while...
he's talking how he is going to love being retired and being home all the time...
I think we will have a spot free home when that happens...
he just jumps right in there...
and the poor man was up against a losing battle trying to keep the bird feeder full!
we got snow and then it turned cold and it must have triggered something...
we have had so many birds out here and we now have 4 squirrels running around...
at one time, I counted 7 male cardinals...
the 2 pair of woodpeckers...
the sparrow hawk...
and all the little guys who live in the evergreens...
it was over 50 birds easy...
but they are fat and sassy...
thanks to DH running out there 3 times a day!
Craig has Tuesday off...
DH works Tuesday and Wednesday and then is off again...
getting those vacation days used up...
and it looks like its going to be in the teens here for a bit...
so, I am hibernating...
have good weeks and hope you had a very merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Tete, Stay warm there...it's super bitter here this morning and forecasters are saying a few more days of this cold. Glad you had your family home for Christmas and enjoying the time. Blessings to you dear friend, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!