Thursday, January 25, 2018

where does a whole week go?

I took these photos on Monday...

and nothing since...

I haven't gotten a whole lot done around here, either...

I sit at the kitchen window sometimes and just watch...

if nothing else, they are entertaining...

can you see me?

scaring the birdies...

you would think we would have 40 pound squirrels by now...

but they do seem to run it off...

we have a few warmer days here...

but February is showing highs of 20s at least the first two weeks of the month...
I sure hope they are wrong...
but, after that, spring is just around the corner...
we will have our warmer days in then...
counting down to spring and playing in the dirt...

have wonderful weekends!

1 comment:

  1. Tete, Your little visitors look so cute. The squirrels look very healthy. They can sure eat a lot of seeds. LOL. I am going to make it thru this winter is we keep getting a nice warm day here and there. :) Blessings to you my friend, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!