Sunday, February 18, 2018

If dad had to face today's chaos...

When I was in first grade, my dad was president of the PTA. Our biggest threat was men who offered candy to kids to get them in the car with them. My dad came up with a plan called Helping Hands. People who lived in our district could sign up to be a Helping Hand. They were checked out and given a sign to put in their window. One that my parents made at out kitchen table. I was an neon orange hand pasted on white paper. We were taught that these were safe homes. That if anyone tried to grab us, we could go straight in screaming for help and that help would be there.
There were also parent patrols who watched kids coming and going from school and reported anyone who looked suspicious to the school and police- license plate numbers.
If the threat of someone coming into my school and shooting like what is going on now, I know my dad would have been sitting on the front steps armed. And he would have gotten other fathers involved and veterans. No one with a weapon intending on shooting children and teachers in our school would have made it through the door. He would have gotten a hold of the paper and had it published so everyone would know that the parents of my school were ready and waiting for anyone to try and get past them. That's the way he would have done it. That's the way he was made.

Prayers for all of those who have suffered in the shootings that are happening in our country.

Taking our guns away will not stop it.

Raising kids today like dad was raised and like I was will.

And I am sorry, but kids are going to fight...

teach them to fight with words, with their fists...

we had scrapes and fought back...

we were taught together, you can kick a bully's butt...

and we did...

we took care of the bully ourselves most of the time...

we stood up for each other...


it kept us safe then...

we were told to travel in numbers...

There is a lot to fix...

a society that thinks its ok to do what you have to...

to get what you want...

and kids who get what they want...

and all they have to do is throw a fit...

and the parents give in...

because its easier...

well, raising responsible kids isn't easy...

it takes work...

and time...

its going to get worse before it gets better...



  1. Tete, You have written a great post here. I love how your dad was raising kids. I fear that most parents now want to be their children's best friends, then who will parent? It all starts at home. Makes me sad for all our children's futures. Praying. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Great post Tete. I grew up in a neighborhood where we needed each other. If we knew of someone in need, we came together and helped each other. We never ever thought that our government could write a check and fix it, we fixed it and most of the time at no cost. We rarely turned our television on, grew our own food, and prayed at every meal. This week has been so sad, prayers for our country. ~jackie~

  3. A good post, Tete. I think your dad was a wonderful man and I am glad you had him in your life. It really does take people working together to make life safe for our family and friends. Our parents would be horrified to see what is happening in today's world. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!