Friday, March 16, 2018

Looking forward to the weekend...

good morning!

my family made it through the week...
the funeral for Courtney was beautiful...

it was hard and the next few days, weeks and months will be an adjustment period for them to find what their new "normal" will be...
but they have so much support...
and prayers from so many...

and we have such a wonderful lady staying with us right now...
Craig's girlfriend from Canada flew in late Tuesday night and we are going to spend the next three weeks with her...
getting to know her and her us...

and we will be doing a funeral here in town soon...
just got word that a wonderful lady slipped into glory last night...
Jean was loved by so many, the mother of our dear friends and grandmother of one of Craig's best friends (Ben)...

thank you for all of your kind words for us and the family this past week or so...
they have been greatly appreciated and a tremendous comfort...
you warm my heart...

have a wonderful spring weekend...


  1. Tete, I am praying for Courtney's family. What a tragedy . Hope Craig's friend enjoys her time there in your sweet town. Blessings to all of you, xoxo, Susie

  2. I am glad the funeral is behind the family-now maybe they can begin the long process of healing. I know that is going to be hard on them. Sorry to hear about the lady in your town, too.

    I am so glad you like Craig's friend and that is a nice long time to get to know her---not like she is just here for a couple of days and then gone.

    Hope you have a good night, Tete. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!