Tuesday, March 27, 2018


we are loving this girl that Craig loves...

DH and I took her for a ride Sunday...

Craig had to work...

but now he has 12 days off to spend with her...

and spring is slowing starting around here...

the creeks are swollen and the ground is saturated with more rain coming...
flooding is a possibility...

DH took me to the walk in clinic Friday after work...
put me on antibiotics and now the IBS is flaring...
I will be glad when I am off of them...
ready to get this spring going, but looks like it will be awhile...
have good weeks...


  1. Tete, Love may be in the air for Craig. :):) I pray you do not flood...hopefully all that farmer did behind your property helps this year. The huge flied on the corner here did a tremendous amount of draining pipes...sure how it takes water to the drain ditch . We have flood warnings also....just as that small wee hole trickle in the basement was stopping. Bummer. Take care and get well soon. Bless you, xoxo, Susie

  2. I am so happy that you love the girl that Craig has chosen. I do think they look so content together....like two old comfortable shoes. You have such a pretty spring where you are, Tete. Can't wait until we warm up a bit here. xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!