Friday, April 20, 2018

bring on the allergies!

I think spring is going to stick this time...

10 day forecast shows nothing lower than 60...

it sure took its time getting here...

and no rain this weekend!

guess who is cleaning up the yard tomorrow?

all 3 of us, that's who!

maybe we will uncover more spring...
you never know!

have a good day and a springy weekend!


  1. Tete, I think it may actually be spring here too. Two beautiful days in a row. Sunshine and low wind. I have been watching a pair of bluebirds ...hoping they have made one of the little house their home. I sprinkled some dried meal worms for them. I love all the pretty flowers in your yard. I have nothing blooming yet. Plenty of leaves coming on . Blessings for a great weekend, xoxo, Susie

  2. Oh thats great news and beautiful photos,, no spring here but I still have hope lol,,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!