Friday, June 8, 2018

Diddy likes to garden...

this was our Wednesday morning...
can you see him next to the bucket?
he is so tiny yet...

the yucca are blooming...

Craig and I went out around 8 am to start on this area...
totally overgrown with weeds...

and Diddy went with us...

it was a very cool morning and we worked in the sunshine...

and Diddy explored...

and attacked the day lilies...

it was serious business...

it was just an awesome morning...

I love days like that...

and I got to do a little photo shoot when I took my breaks...

and he stayed right with us and didn't run off one time...

he even learned to surf...
surf weeds...

he's pretty good at it...

and we have other things blooming, too...

knock out rose...

and the lilies in the island are blooming, too...

got both guys for both days this weekend...
depending on the rain, we shall see what we can get done...
have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Tete, I am going to try this again...I love the flowers. So pretty. Your new kitty is acute one. I like getting outside work done early too. Blessings, xoxo, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!