Tuesday, May 21, 2019

the weekend shots...

this is our new garden space...
big enough for tomatoes and green beans and a few other things...
can't wait to see how it comes out...

the dwarf lilac is in full bloom...

and the iris opened...
most of them...

it was in the uppers 80s last weekend...

but yesterday was in the low 60s...
and breezy...

are these paper whites?
they just popped up in a few places...

one of the new hostas....

this should fill in this year...
transplanted 2 more rose bushes in there...

took half a down day yesterday and might do the same today...
Craig is off Wed, and we might get to work outside...
if it warms up and doesn't rain...

babies are doing good...
growing and getting sassy...
will get some new photos of them this week...

have good days...

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Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!