Tuesday, June 4, 2019

guess who figured out something all by herself?

I did!
roses- took the photos last night...

DH had to dust them last weekend...

ok, so no need to wait for a new cord for the new camera...
had a cord with my old camera...
(it doesn't fit the new one)
I took my memory card out of the new camera and put it in the old camera and plugged it in...
and it worked! 
ha...just wait till they hear all about this around the supper table tonight...
yeah, me...
(only took me all day to figure it out, but I did!)
even on a fibro day!
brain cells are not dead...
they just hang out on the beach way too often!


  1. Roses are my favorite flower. Yours are very pretty.LOVE THE ORANGE ONE.

  2. Your roses are beautiful! I think they have liked all the rain. Glad you got your new computer! Jasper is doing really well, thanks for the 🙏🏻

  3. Your rose photos are so pretty.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!