Monday, August 5, 2019

such a great 3 day weekend for us...

morning glories are blooming every morning...

we worked in the south yard all weekend...
and it all looked like this or worse...

but we pulled weeds. trimmed things up and moved some stuff out...
and it felt good...

the surprise lilies are blooming here, too...

it was very comfortable outside...
yesterday was a bit warmer, but we only worked outside in the mornings until lunch time...

I still need to but back these day lilies...
my thoughts are to start working on the fall clean up...
we have leaves falling already and nuts coming down...
it will be an early fall...

 bought new lanterns, too...
half off now...

it was good to be in the dirt again...
I also got this side mowed and the neighbor's done...
he is working so hard on this place next door to us and coming across one obstacle after another...
but the guys came and got his new roof started...
and it looks good...

tragic news over the weekend with the shootings...
El Paso and Dayton...
praying for all of those people and their families...

I found this online and loved it...
its so true in my life...
our legs are way too short to keep up with Him...
and then there are those times when He just carries us...
grateful for His grace...

have blessed days...


  1. Your garden is looking lovely! And that's a lovely quote as well. :) Have a great day.

  2. Tete, You had a busy weekend. It's been a bad year for our lawns. I have tried to get a weed pulled here and there. Got to stay on top of this place. Had to let too much go for too long. Blessings to you my friend, xoxo,love, Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!