Sunday, October 20, 2019

it doesn't look much like fall...

most things are still green, just a little dry...

but the walnuts are everywhere...

and if you look at the very top, things are happening there...

got this on an online garage sale from a girl Craig went to school with...
its a scentsy wax melt thingy...

and from a friend...
they are so good...

I am not feeling good today...
think I have a cold and not allergies...
just moving slower than my slow...
Craig made two pots of chili this morning...
one for them and one for me...
I don't like hot chili...
mine is really mild...
DH is working noon- 5 today...
Sunday's are shorter hours unless they have to load cars or run the dryer...
which they didn't have to do this morning...
its 71 out and I have only been out there about 10 minutes...
just not feeling like it...
think its time to see the NP...

have good days!


  1. Tete, It's pretty and sunny here today...but lady bugs are everywhere, like a plague.:(:( Not loving that. Hate that you might have a cold. I just hate being sick. I had a cold two years ago. and it was terrible. I thought it could be allergies and it may have been...still not sure. I just kept breathing thru a cloth with Vick's on it. Do you keep the walnuts? Blessings , get well . xoxo,love you, Susie

  2. I was just talking to Cassie about the green and dry trees and then it was like the color just popped out this past week! Finally looking like fall :)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!